The 1500 Stories podcast cracks open the uncomfortable subjects of money and economic class. If you want a peek inside the kinds of experiences people usually don’t share in casual conversation, listen to 1500 Stories. While the website features individual narratives, the podcast combines and weaves together many voices on a different theme each episode.
You can help support the podcast and my ongoing creative work (which has been entirely a labor of love above and beyond my day job) by becoming a patron at, by leaving a review on your podcast app, and by sharing both podcast and my Patreon link in your social networks.
Listen to our new BONUS episode. This episode was fully written and edited by the interns for the 1500 Stories project–Melinda Poley and Yongxin Lea Li. As a result, it is much less depressing than our usual fare! We thought you could use a small break from the gloom and doom about economic inequality. We think you will find the episode both sweet and entertaining.
Listen to the trailer now for the first season of the 1500 Stories podcast. Episodes will drop on the second and fourth Thursday of the month and be found wherever you listen to podcasts. Season 1 includes a three episode mini-series about how Americans think about middle-classness and a four episode mini-series about farm work and rural life. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music/Audible, Radio Public, Spotify,, and I Heart Radio.
We recommend that you listen in order for the best experience.